Monday, September 11, 2006

Talk Like a Pirate Day

Everyone famous has some kind of organization or cause they support or are the front runners of. I decided that I would support what should be the most important holiday of the year, Talk Like a Pirate Day. On September 19th, a week from tommorow, is when this most important holiday will take place. What do I do on TLAPD you ask? pull out your Buckle and start Swashing it, you gargle some salt water to get the nasty phlegm sound in your throat, you throw your fist in the air when you see your wife and yell, "Arghh!! Bring me cereal wench!"

It is all about talking like a pirate. this was started by two guys, John "Ol' Chumbucket" Baur & Mark "Cap'n Slappy" Summers, while playing raquetball. Somehow they started using pirate slang and it made the game go faster and their time more enjoyable, and they have been fighting for TLAPD ever since. they have been featured in the Miami herald and people everywhere are starting to fall into the use of Pirate Lingo on Sept 19th.

So please do everything you can to help Ol' Leroy out and support Talk Like a Pirate Day, September 19th! Also visit for more info and a lot of fun stories and facts. And here's hoping to not getting fired on Sept 19th!!

May yer keels be full and the sea like glass for all yer sailing days! Arghh! that tickles me wooden leg!
Captain Leroy!


Anonymous said...


i have Sept 19th marked on my calendar. I'm debating on if i can get away with wearing swashbuckling attire at work.

I think i'll have to settle for the skull-and-crossbone t-shirt under a sweater/jacker. People might not be able to see if, but deep inside i know it's there.

And deep down, we've all got a little pirate in us. ;-)


Anonymous said...


Lilly said...

A to the R to the muthafuckin' G!!!