Saturday, July 15, 2006

The Ultimate Chair

Everyone has a hobby, something that they do strictly because the enjoy doing it, not because they have to. My hobby is playing computer games, specificaly Massive Multiplayer Online Games. Games that connect to the internet and you play and interact with millions of people all over the world. I have met a lot of people on these games and have even established some lifelong friendships with people I have met. The only problem with these games is they require a lot of time to be succesful in your endeavors. So that is a lot of time sitting in a chair.

One day at work a miracle came to me in the form of an 82 year old man who couldnt walk to the bathroom. This is how the conversation went:

" Good morning this is Leroy may I have your name please?"
"This is George Georgerson born in 1897 and survivor of WWI and WWII where I was a tailgunner on a submarine in Natzi controlled Antarctica. I need to see if a Commode Chair is covered, I can't make it to the pisser."
"I'm sorry sir but im not familiar with the term Commode Chair, can you describe its purpouse?"
"We'll its a chair with a toilet built into it, so I dont have to get up to go."

How in the world had I never heard of these before?! This could be one of the greatest inventions of all time and I didn't even know about it! So I check for Mr. Georgerson and let him know it was indeed covered and then I thanked him for passing the information along to me that I was consdiering getting one myself. So I went home with thoughts of Dancing Commode chairs in my head. I looked up commode chairs on the internet and was suprised at how comfortable they looked, and if I put wheels on the legs combined with my hardwood floors I would never have to get up ever again!

And I always think so much better on the toilet anyways, this way I will be that much more focused all the time! Maybe I need one at work too... Until next time,



Anonymous said...

Nice. Do you play WoW any?

Leroy - Customer Service Rep. said...

To much...most of the time its the reason I dont update as much as I should.

Anonymous said...

I belive that separates the term raider from "hardcore Raider". At least SoD won't wipe on Nef Cause the tank had to pee.

Leroy - Customer Service Rep. said...

We did have to wait like 5 minutes for Drabith to Pee last night..Got Nef down for the second time and killed the First Boss in AQ40 too.